
Friday, November 10, 2006

Friday the TENTH

Although my memories of 11/11 are of Armistace Day, celebrated at the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month, I am now facing the Veterans Day celebrated on the Tenth because the Eleventh is a Saturday. Somewhere there is a conspiracy to make for three day weekends and the hell with the significence of the date. I think it's a retailers conspiracy so that there can be three day sales that last till Tuesday.

I have the distinct pleasure of having three grand daughters in my charge on a rainy, no school Friday and although a visit to the Veterans Memorial would be appropriate, I doubt that the idea will be greeted with a great deal of enthusiasm on this rainy day.

I have proudly made it through the week with my promise to keep this Blog active and I now look forward to Monday. I will have to do some prep work over the week-end.

This is becoming a good year for the under-dog; Oregon State beat USC and last night Rutgers beat Louisville. The Blazers even beat the Lakers. The Democrats won both houses and GW lied again and admitted it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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