
Monday, November 20, 2006

Monday, Monday

I’ve been working out now everyday that L goes to school and I feel a lot better for it. I started off at five minutes on the treadmill and after two weeks I’m up to 20 minutes and I have no effects or pain in my butt.

I enjoy watching the geriatric crowd and listening to the oldsters conversations. Today an octogenarian was asked if he listens to Hard Rock or Heavy Metal on his Ipod. He answered that he listens to 24 hour news on MSNBC radio. What a downer. Unless Jon Stewart gets on the radio with The Daily Show, I wouldn’t listen to the news.

One man at the gym thinks I look like Fidel so he’s always asking me if I ever wear camouflage. I have a free session with a Personal Trainer as part of my membership but I’m not sure I look forward to that. The Personal Trainers I’ve seen so far seem like sadists.

Tomorrow I am going to help in the second grade for a Thanksgiving Party and L has decided to lay out my clothes for the big day. I may even take pictures.


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