
Tuesday, November 06, 2007


Today is today and I saw my GP, essentially just to say good-bye so for a change of pace:

What about Rudy?

Who is this Rudy Giuliani that is running for President? By what stretch of the imagination does he see himself as qualified to be President? At best he was a mediocre Mayor of NYC before, during and after 9/11 but by virtue of being connected with the tragic events of that day, just because he happened to be the Mayor at the time, he thinks his world –wide name recognition gives him the credentials to run for the Presidency of the USA.

On his record as Mayor alone he will be hard pressed to go down in the history of NYC as even one of the top ten best. In fact, he may have been one of the worst. To add insult to injury, he had nothing to do to prevent the events of 9/11 but certainly may have contributed to the loss of life based on his handling of the communications between the Police and the Fire Departments prior to 9/11.

In the aftermath of 9/11 he was the cities face and cheerleader with his NYPD and FDNY hats that he wore at every possible public event. It now turns out that he may be involved in the deaths of as many people who died on that day as a result of his “taking over” the clean-up of the building collapse without any knowledge of the side effects he was dealing with. Other locales, like the Pentagon, at least called in professionals to protect the clean-up workers against the dangers of the inhaled dusts.

The story even gets worse as his popularity rises based on his Karl Rove type hype and his trying to ride the GW Bush coat-tails. He has opinions on torture, an important element of his Mayor of NYC background, and homeland security as well as wide spread wire tapping. What saddens me the most is that there are people out there listening to this nobody.


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